Those of you that have taken good care of your puppies will as of tonight’s update will start to have full grown Dogs! Not only that, you’ll be able to teach your dog to do tricks!
PLEASE NOTE: You must wait until the very end of your puppy's feeding cycle before it will grow up. If you still have a puppy and your counter is still displaying, please wait until this counter has completely finished. Once the timer completely counts down, your dog will grow up (a refresh may be required).
The first time you head into FarmVille once your dog has grown up, you’ll get the following pop up:
Clicking Cancel will close the Pop Up and you’ll see your new grown up dog.
Now you can start teaching your dog new tricks! In order to get started and see what you can learn, click your dog to access their pulldown menu.
The first trick your dog can learn will be in the menu, locked. Select it to access your dog’s trick menu:
In order to for your dog to learn tricks, you’ll need to feed them treats. You can get treats one of three ways:
1) Purchasing them in the Market (1 pack of 7 for 5 Farm Cash):
2) Asking your friends for them via feeds. If you don’t have any dog treats, selecting the Feed option from your dog’s pulldown menu will display the following pop-up:
Clicking Ask For Treats will give you the option to post a feed that if clicked will let up to three of your neighbors send you one treat each. This feed remains active for up to 24 hours, or once three neighbors have clicked. Each neighbor that helps you receives 100 Coins.
3) Receiving them from friends as Gifts:
Your friends can send dog treats to you via the Free Gifts page, just like any other gift
Teaching Your Dog Tricks
Now that you’ve got dog treats, you can feed them to your dog so it can learn new tricks. In the Tricks menu, whatever trick you’re currently able to learn will be displayed, along with the number of treats necessary:
For example, you only need to feed your dog one treat to teach it its first trick, Roll Over. To feed your dog the treat, either select Feed from its pulldown menu, or click use on the dog treats in your Gift Box. This will allow you to select which dog you’d like to feed treats to.
When you feed your dog its first treat, you’ll receive the following pop-up:
Now your dog knows Roll Over and it is unlocked from its pulldown menu. The next trick that it can learn will displayed in the pulldown menu as LOCKED.
For tricks that require more than one treat, you’ll need to feed your dog once every 24 hours for each day that a treat is required. For example, learning Shake requires three treats. So, when you feed your dog the first treat to begin learning this treat, they’ll be hungry again 24 hours after the first treat. Once they’re hungry again, you’ll need to feed them to continue your progress. After the third treat (on the third day), they’ll have learned Shake. You can only feed your dog once a day.
One exception to this is whenever your dog actually learns a trick. Whenever your dog learns a trick, you can feed them another treat to start learning their next trick whenever you like!
If you miss feeding your dog for one day when they’re learning a trick, they’ll lose their progress and you’ll need to start over! When you enter the game after missing a day, you’ll see the following pop up:
PLEASE NOTE: If you lose progress on a single trick, your dog still keeps all the other tricks it has already learned.
For each trick, you’ll need to feed your dog a different amount of treats:
• 1st Trick – 1 Treat
• 2nd Trick – 3 Treats
• 3rd Trick – 3 Treats
• Final Trick – 7 Treats
The final trick your dog can learn is one that is specific to your dog’s breed!
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