PLEASE NOTE: Co-Op Farming is being slowly rolled out to all of our players at this time to prevent and contain technical issues that may arise. Only a small percentage of players will be able to start jobs at present, but if your neighbors and friends have started a job you may join theirs. We will update you as soon as this changes.
Farmville latest feature allows you and your neighbors to work together to complete a co-operative farming project!
When you enter FarmVille you’ll see the following popup for Co-Op Farming:
You’ll also see this pop-up when you click on the new Co-Op Farming Button in the FarmVille control panel:
Viewing the Tutorial will give you a short visual walkthrough of how the co-op farming challenges work
Clicking Okay will take you to the Co-Op Farming Page, which has one of the three tabs to choose from:
All Jobs (Picture) shows what jobs you have available to start, or any jobs that you can join from your neighbors.
Active Jobs will show the progress that you have made on any jobs you have started.
Job History shows your stats for all the jobs you’ve attempted.
To start a job, click the Start button (or in the case of jobs from your neighbors, the Join button) where you’ll be taken to a description of the job, as well as the requirements and rewards:
Each job has three different reward levels that you can gain, depending on how quickly you and your neighbors complete the job (seen on the right side of the screen). Both the Bronze and Silver rewards will yield each of the farmers that contributed to the job some gold coins and XP. The Gold medal will net everyone even more gold coins and XP, as well as a special item exclusive to Gold medal winners. You can see this item if you mouseover the Gold trophy in the job requirements section:
Once you click Start, you’ll immediately have the opportunity to post a feed to invite your friends and neighbors to join your job and help you. You can also invite friends to help you at any time during a job from the Invite Friends button on the Active Jobs page:
All members of your co-op will display on this page when they join. To begin working at the job, simply return to your farm and seed or harvest the necessary crops. Each crop that any member of the co-op seeds and harvests will count toward the job’s total. When you’re harvesting a crop that counts toward a co-op job, you’ll see the following progress counter appear above your neighbor bar:
You can post a message to any friends that are helping you with a job by visiting the ‘Friends’ tab of the Active Jobs page, detailing how much further you all have to go before completion:
You can post a message to any friends that are helping you with a job by visiting the ‘Friends’ tab of the Active Jobs page, detailing how much further you all have to go before completion:
This details what medal you were awarded, what percentage of the work each member of your co-op did, and what rewards you’ve received (rewards differ for each jobs). From here, you’ll be able to post a feed announcing your accomplishment, as well offering a special bonus of 100 coins for up to 5 neighbors to collect.
If you aren’t able to complete the job in time, you’ll get the following screen:
You’ll be able to keep track of all your co-op statistics on the Job History page:
The Co-Op Farming feature also adds three new Ribbons to FarmVille, which you can check out in the Ribbons section of this page:
Employee of the Month – Every job that you help a friend complete that results in a Gold medal counts toward this ribbon.
Fabulous Foreman – Every job that you start that gets completed with a Gold medal counts toward this ribbon.
Best of the Rest – Every job that you get the MVP award on counts toward this ribbon. You are the MVP on a job anytime you contribute the highest percentage of work toward completion.
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