You can now build your very own Beehive! A completed beehive allows you to grow thriving honeybees which will produce pollinated crops!
Please find more information about the Beehive below:
Upon loading into FarmVille, you will see the following pop-up.
When opening your Gift Box, you will find a Beehive. Once you place the Beehive on your farm, you will see a pop-up like the one below. Alternatively, you can purchase the Beehive foundation from the Buildings section of Market for 5,000 Coins.
Once you’ve placed the Foundation on your farm, you will be prompted with a message letting you know that you can post a feed to ask you friends for help building your hive.
Clicking the "Share" button will give you the option to post a feed to your wall. When clicked, this will take your neighbor to the Free Gifts page where they can send you one of two building materials for the Beehive.
Selecting ‘Look Inside’ from your foundation’s menu will show you what you need to complete your Beehive.
When you first place the foundation, you’ll have one Smoker already. In order to build a complete Beehive you’ll need 10 of each item. You can get these items one of three ways:
1. From neighbors via the Free Gifts menu.
Neighbors can send you the components you need to build your Beehive. Your Neighbors will be able to send you two of the five types of building components to help you complete your Beehive.
When neighbors send you a building component, it works exactly like any other free gift. After you accept the gift it will appear in your gift box.
After clicking the "use" button under the gift it will automatically be added to your Beehive.
2. Purchasing components from the Market
You can purchase components required to build your Beehive for 1 Farm Cash per item. To purchase these, use the Buy button located in the hive’s construction menu.
3. Ask For More
When viewing the interior of your unfinished Beehive, each component that you have not yet received 10 of has an ‘Ask For More’ button, that when clicked will take you to the Friend Selector page where you can select friends to send Gift Requests for your chosen component.
Once you receive 10 of any single building component, you’ll have the option to post a feed to your wall. The first ten neighbors to click this feed within 24 hours will receive a one of the same building component for their own Hive construction.
When you reach 25 items overall, you’ll receive pop-up that will allow you to post a feed to your wall. The first ten neighbors to click this feed within 24 hours will receive a random building component for their own Hive construction.
When you complete your Beehive, you will receive a popup asking you if you’d like to share the news with your friends. Clicking the Share button on this popup will give you the option to post a feed to your wall that will give up to 10 neighbors who click on it a free beehive ingredient.
Building your Swarm:
Now that you have completed your Beehive, it is time to build a colony of bees.
To build your colony, first you need a rare Queen Bee. Queen Bees can be found when harvesting flower crops on your farm or fertilizing flower crops on your Neighbor’s farms.
You may also buy a Queen Bee from the Hive’s menu for 10 Farm Cash.
If you find a Queen Bee, you will receive a pop-up informing you of your discovery. Your Queen Bee will automatically be added to your Beehive.
If you find a Queen Bee and you are already in possession of one, you will have the option to share it with one of your friends by posting a feed to your wall.
Once you have found your Queen Bee, you can start growing your colony by clicking “look inside” from your Hive’s menu.
Honeybees allow you to find pollinated seeds from fertilized crops. The more honeybees you have, the higher your chances are of finding pollinates seeds.
Pollinated seeds unlock special pollinated crops in the Market. Pollinated crops have a higher chance of producing bushels than normal crops and will last for two days.
A Beehive can hold a total of 200 honeybees.
There are two ways to obtain Honeybees.
1. Purchasing
You can purchase Honeybees from your hive’s menu by clicking the “buy Honeybees” button. You can purchase Honeybees in groups of 5 for 5 Farm Cash.
2. Neighbors
From your hive’s menu you can request bees from your neighbors by clicking the “Ask for bees” button
Remember, keeping a thriving colony of bees is no easy task! Your bees must be tended to every other day, or you risk the chance of some of them flying away!
Happy Farming!
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