The new Move tool can be used to quickly redecorate your Farm! Simply click the Hand icon from the multi-tool menu to enter decoration mode. When in this mode, you will be able to move items with a single click, including plots!
When using the Move tool, you can also use the space bar to rotate applicable items when they are being held.
To drop an item, it must first be placed in a valid new location.
Recycle Tool
The new Recycle tool can be used to quickly clean up your farm. This new tool can be accessed by clicking the Recycle symbol in the Multi Tool menu.
The recycle tool will delete items with no value and sell items with coin value.
This tool with confirm before the deletion of any item. In addition, the Recycle tool includes a "Quick Delete" mode. Quick delete will not warn you about selling or deleting any object worth less than 1,000 coins that is not a limited edition item when enabled.
Quick Delete will also give you an option to choose not to be warned about selling or deleting specific types of items until another tool is used.
Cracked - Rewarded for opening the proper number of Mystery Eggs.
Additional Information:
The Fertilization timer has changed! Your ability to fertilize a neighbor’s farm is reset once per 24 hours at midnight. The timer is no longer tied to 24 hours from your last visit.
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